Friday 12 March 2010

Human Model Step By Step Process

Here is my complete model of my human. I am very pleased with the outcome. It has turned out exactly as imagined, and wasnt nearly as hard to accomplish as I thought. Here is a step by step procress of how I created this model:

First i started off with a box. I kept the number of segments low as i was unsure of how many I would need. If I needed any more I could easily create some.

I wanted to turn this box into the body of my model. So I played with the vertexs a bit to create a very simple body shape.

Next, I extruded from the bottom to create the legs. I also put on turbosmooth at this point, and worked with the "show end results" option on so I could keep turbosmooth on and work on the model to see what the outcome would be.

Then i did the same with the arms. I also edited the shape if the body slightly. I continued to so this throughout the process as I was never quite happy with the way it looked.

I then extruded the neck, as well as give the arms and legs more definition.

Next came the hard part. Creating the hands. I had to extrude from the end of the arm several times and the rotate the polygons several times in order to achieve this hand. I also had to tweek the underside of the hand in order to make it so that the hand does not just merge with the arm. Unfortunately I dont think I managed this very well. However, I am pleased enough with the outcome.

After I completed the first hand, I realised I would have to do the same again for the other one! In order to save time and effort, I cut the model in half, deleted the side with no hand and mirrored the remaining side. This way I would only have to to one half of the model and it would do the other for me.

Next, i moved onto the head. I first extruded from the neck in oreder to get a couple of polygons to work with.

I then played around with the polygons to get a circular head.

Here I just made a few adjustments to the model. For example, adding a nose and giving the overall body more definition.

Now that most of the body was complete, it was time to work on the other features. I thought that working on the facial hair first would be best. So I just created another box and edited it into this shape. I then attached it to the body model with the "select and link" tool in order to make it so that the 2 objects would be linked together as one.

Then I did the same for the beard.

And once again for the eyes.

Then came the extremely annoying part of editing the model to include clothes. I was told it would be best to model the clothes as part of the body, as it would be easier to animate. So I had to select certain polygons and extrude them into the shapes I wanted. I had to add a lot of extra polygons to make this possible.

Here the top half of the body has been completed.

Here the bottom half has been completed. Shoes have also been added. I did this by extruding from the legs.

I then did the same for the hat.

Finally, I added materials to the model. In order to do this I had to seperate all of the sections of polygons by giving them their own IDs. This way I could give each part their own material without effecting the rest of the model.

The model could do with some adjustments, but for now it will do. If I have time, I will improve it.

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