Friday, 30 April 2010

Scene 4

In this scene, the trees respond to the lumberjack with suspicion. They all react differently to his request. It is clear that none of them want to give him a branch, but before they know it, another tree says that the lumberjack is welcome to have one of his.

As I mentioned, each one of the trees react differently. In order to do this, I had to use the morpher tool to morph the expressions of each tree. I also used the Auto Key to set key frames of each movement. For example, having the standard pose in te first frame, then having an arm moved to the head in the next key frame. Then when the animation is played, the movement will be automatic. This was nto hard, but tedious. VERY tedious...but worth it in the end.

In this scene, the camera starts off low, as it did in the previous tree scene, then slowly rises to create the impression of them losing their confidence. When the other tree shouts out, the camera shifts to face the stand alone tree. I believe this is an effective shot, as once again it is as if we are seeing it all from the perspective of the lumberjack.

I usd 3 lights in this scene. 2 Omni lights and 1 target light. The first Omni light is in the same position as the previous scenes. In this scene it becomes clear why I placed it there. It is so that there is light on the face of the stand alone tree. I didnt want to the audience to not be able to see his face, so I made sure to keep this paryicular light consistent throuout the animation. The other Omni light is next to the trees in order to lighten their faces. The target light is behind the stand alone tree. The aim of the light was to try and blend the seam between the 2 background planes together. Unfortunately, I dont believe that I was sucessful in doing so. I still decided to keep it though as it does improve the seam very slightly.

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