Friday 30 April 2010

Scene 13

This is another reaction scene. The trees all react differently to the lumberjack cutting down the tree that helped him. The first one looks for a way to get away but realises it useless, the second screams then holds his head, the middle points in disbelelief, the fourth (who was the one who covered his eyes in the previous reaction scene) removes his hands and the faints at the sight. Finally, the last tree just looks sad, knowing what is about to happen to him.

I wanted to get them all to react differently, as real people would do if they just witnessed a murder. It was all simple to do, just the usual morpher and Auto Key tools.

I added 3 Omni lights in the scene. The usual one in the sky, and 2 more to highlight each of the trees faces. I chose to use 2 to highlight their faces this time because only using one would result in 2 of the trees still havened a darkened face. So the scene may be overly bright, even with the 2 toned down Omni lights, but at least the trees faces are easily visable.

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